I've found the secret. It's simple really. It's a new year, so I've started a new regime of small incremental changes. They are barely noticeable, but they are making a difference. A home made vegetable soup here, a freshly made juice there, a ten minute walk here, an indulgent piece of dark chocolate there. I sit at the table and light a candle. It's 'only' dinner, but why shouldn't it be a pleasure, something to look forward to?
We found the nice cutlery and donated the old. Why save your best for rare occasions? Every day is a gift and is there to be celebrated! It makes the monotony of uninspiring working days more enjoyable. Talking at the table fosters creativity, strengthens bonds with your loved ones and strengthens resolve. I resolve to enjoy myself more. It's good resolution!
Happiness, for me, is linked with movement and words. The more I move, the happier I feel. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sat at my desk waving my arms jumping up and down then dancing round the office. That wouldn't do! But I am walking to work on the less rainy days (there have been a few, honest!) and I've part taken in a spot of an at home exercise DVD. I did sweat. A little. It felt good. I'll do it again.
I'm cooking from fresh and trying new recipes. Things we've never tried before are appearing on our table. It's becoming a hobby. I make batches of soup at the weekend and take a flask to work. Leek and potato or vegetable surprise this week. They taste good. I've eaten less bread. Like I said, small and incremental. It's leading to a lost pound here, a complement there. I may want to speed up the process sometimes, but this is manageable, and it's working.
This time next year I could be 'The Chart's' definition of healthy! Ok, maybe the year after, but I've given myself that little shove. Now to gain more momentum....